Thursday, April 2, 2009


This is my daughter and her microlocks. She has major shrinkage in the back. Her front is a little thin. She used to pull on her hair out when she got nervous, and in the process her got shorter. She is very pleased with her hair, even though children aren't very receptive toward it. Even before locking, they used to tell her all the time that she needed a perm. She usually wore two strand twists. The following pictures are me.

How do I wear my hair to eliminate the "five-head?"


  1. omg i LOVE your locks.
    What does "five head" mean?
    Your locks are about 5 months younger than mine and they're already 100% fuller. That is something to be proud and happy about.
    Your daughter is a beauty. When i was about her age, I would've given anything to wear my hair like hers. She is absolutely beautiful.
    Do tell me what "5 head" means because am curious.

  2. Five-head is when your forehead is so big that your whole hand fits between your eyebrows and your hairline.
