Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sisterlocks, finally

As you all can see, I decided not to color my hair. My installation took a total of 33 hours: 14 hours on Jan 29, 14 hours on Jan 30, and 5 hours on Jan 31. They are pretty thin and not quite as "spacy" as the picture seems to show. I do not know what took so long, but I am pleased with the results although there are about three in the back that seem to have uneven parting. I will get them redone on my next visit.

I am not really looking forward to any future visits. As she got 10 minutes into installing my hair, I was reminded how tenderheaded I was, which is one of the reasons I stopped getting my hair done. Some spots on my head are incredibly tender. I warned the consultant ahead of time. I just had to endure it.

Last of all, I finished one of my daughters' hair that same weekend. She has the same issues with being tenderheaded. She did really well though and did not complain at all. I interlocked her hair using a yarn needle. Her hair took over 30 hours as well. If I had to guess, I would say at least 36 hours. I didn't really keep an accurate track of time because I did it over the course of two weekends. I know my bad shoulder was aching during the whole process. I will post pictures of hers very soon. She is very pleased with the results. I wish I could have done my own, but it just wasn't happening. Now I have to figure out when I want to tackle my other daughter's 11-inches-plus head. To make matters worse, she has a big head and very thick hair!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations and you consultant did a marvelous job. I'll keep checking back for updates on you and your daughter. I applaud you for doing her hair!
